23 The certificate you are using is not yet valid. Make sure the time on your computer is correct.
24 The certificate you are viewing does not match the name of the site you are trying to view.
25 This certficate was issued by an unknown security agency.
26 Comment
27 This certificate is corrupted, and its authenticity cannot be verified.
1800 You have received a "cookie" (Internet information stored on your computer) from %1\n\nThe contents are:\n\n%2\n\nIt expires on %3\n\nDo you want to accept it? If you click No, the page you are trying to view may not display correctly.
1801 Security Alert
1805 Error Initializing the cache. Shutdown all programs and run scandisk or chkdsk. Delete the cache, cookies and history directories in your windows directory and then restart IE. If the problem persists reinstall IE